MaxCut Software

Optimal Cutting Layouts

Are you tired of wasting valuable materials and time in your cabinetry business? Introducing MaxCut – the ultimate solution for optimizing your cutting layouts.


With MaxCut, creating optimal cutting diagrams has never been easier. For example, simply configure your cut layouts for maximum material usage or speed of cutting. Let MaxCut's advanced algorithms do the rest. No more expensive mistakes by not cutting the sheets to their full potential. MaxCut helps you make the most of every sheet you cut!


But that's not all – MaxCut allows you to group wastage at the bottom of the sheet for larger, more usable offcuts, or maximize the placement of panels across the sheet for higher yields and smaller offcuts. With advanced algorithms that consider factors like blade thickness, panel expansion/tension cut dimensions, and edging thicknesses, you can be confident that your cuts will be accurate and efficient.


In short, don't let costly mistakes and inefficiencies hold you back any longer. Try MaxCut today and see how it can help your cabinetry business save money and improve its operations.


MaxCut is more than a powerful panel optimiser. By utilising advanced algorithms, in a matter of seconds, it works out precisely the amount of materials, the cost analysis, job breakdown and produces all the paperwork you need to successfully make and sell your job. Subscribe now to the Business Edition to get the most for your cabinetry business!